Use GPS to find your current location on the map.
Property Owner
Assessor Parcel Number.
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Enter the address or street intersection to search for and then click on Go.
Ex: 301 w jefferson st 85003
Ex: baseline rd & central ave
Tip: Do not include city or apartment/suite numbers.
Enter the property owner to search for and then click on Go.
Ex: John Doe
First Name:
Last Name:
Enter the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) to search for and then click on Go.
Ex: 11219038A
Select the township, range and section to search for and then click on Go.
Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of this data; however, this material may be dated, which would have an impact on its accuracy. This information should be
used for informational use only and does not constitute a legal document for the description of these properties. The Office of the Clerk of the Maricopa County Board of
Supervisors disclaims any responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this information.
I acknowledge having read the above disclaimer and waive all rights I may have to claim against Maricopa County, its officers, departments, employees, and
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