Historical Aerial Photography
User Guide
  • Overview


The Historical Aerial Photography Web Application allows you to view a series of Aerial Imagery in Maricopa County dating back to 1930.
This makes it easy to visualize how a Parcel looked like five, 10 or 20 years ago.
Note: The Parcel Layer shows the current Parcel Boundaries and Parcel Numbers.
The Parcel Layer does not change to reflect what it looked like when you select an older aerial imagery.
Parcel boundaries are not static. They merge and split with time. You only get to see the current state. You can overlay the current Parcel Boundaries over any historical Aerial Imagery.
You can compare any two sets of Aerial Imagery by swiping between the layers.
You can search for a Parcel by Parcel Number, Address or Owner and the view high-resolution Pictometry oblique imageries of your study area.
The following tour will walk you through the main features of this Web Application.