List of Widgets and Tools
This Web Application comes with a collection of Widgets and Tools that help you navigate, view, query and print the data layers.
To begin this tour, turn off all layers in the Layer List Widget.
Open the Layers Menu and select Turn all layers off.
Close the Layer List Widget.
Along the top left edge, you will find seven Navigation Tools.
On the top left you have the Search Tool for finding an Address or Place.
Below the Search Tool, you have 3 in-panel Widgets:
On the Header Bar, you have 6 additional Widgets.
Google Street View Widget
On the bottom left, you have the Graphical Scale Bar and the Coordinate Tool.
On the bottom center you have the Attribute Table Widget
On the bottom right you have the Overview Map.
This User Guide will walk you through each of these Widgets and Tools with short self-paced tutorials.
It is best to complete these tutorials in the order they are presented.