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ATP Needs

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      Maricopa County MCDOT Active Transportation PlanMCDOT Active Transportation Plan

      We are no longer accepting comments on this map. If you have any questions please contact Reed Kempton at

      The views expressed within the posted comments do not reflect those of the Maricopa County Department of Transportation or Maricopa County.

      The Maricopa County Department of Transportation makes no guarantee of any nature concerning the authenticity, accuracy, reliability, completion, completeness, or timeliness of the contents or photographs and shall not be liable for errors or damages in connection with this information and makes no guarantee public comments or photographs are free of copyright infringement.

      Click the "I Agree" button if you understand and accept the terms of use for this data.

      Note: These needs are NOT currently funded in the MCDOT Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) but are future potential projects.