Refresh the Web App.
Open the Attribute Table Widget
The status bar on the bottom says 27 features.
This refers to the 27 green circles that are visible in your current map display area.
You can sort this Attribute Table based on any item.
Click on Operating Status and select Sort ascending
Select the first record.
The selected record gets highlighted in cyan.
Click on the Zoom to button
The map zooms to the selected Air Quality Facility
Click on the Selected Air Quality Facility
This opens the Side Panel showing the attributes of the selected Air Quality Facility.
Click on the Link to View the Public Documents associated with this Facility.
These are the Public Records associated with this Air Quality Facility.
Click on the last link to view the Air Quality Report.
Clear the Selection
Turn off Filter by map extent
Notice, how the status bar now says 36814 features.
There are a total of 36,814 Air Quality Facilities in Maricopa County.
You can export this entire dataset into an Excel Table for further study.
Expand Options
Select Export all to CSV
This creates a file named Facilty.csv in your Downloads folder.
Open Facility.csv
This is your Excel Table showing all the Air Quality Facilities.
You may also run a Filter operation on the records displayed within the Attribute Table.
Expand Options
Select Filter
This opens the Filter Panel.
You are going to find all the Air Quality Facilities whose name begins with ADOT
Click Add expression
Select Facility Name
Use the operator = starts with
Click on the gear icon to Set Input Type
Select Value as you input type
Enter ADOT as your Value
Click OK
Notice, how this filters out 26 records out of 36,814.
Each Facility Name begins with ADOT
You can pair down this list even more by applying additional Filters.
You are going to find all the Facilities whose name begins with ADOT and the Permit Class = Minor
Open the Filter Tool
You are going to add a 2nd expression.
Click on the Add expression button.
Select Permit Class
Select Operator = is
Click on the Gear Icon and Set Input Type = Unique
Expand the drop-down list and select Minor
Press OK
This pairs down the list to just 8 records